Join my Discord Server: / discord
This was a very long video to edit, but I think I did pretty okay.
Intro: (0:00)
Let's Plays: (1:01)
Analysis: (2:03)
Music: (3:33)
Animations: (5:06)
Art: (8:08)
Memes: (9:15)
Omocat's Contributions: (11:38)
Merchandise: (12:18)
Alternate Universe: (12:56)
Modding: (13:59)
Roleplay: (15:03)
Speedrunning: (15:38)
Shipping: (16:30)
Stop AAPI Hate Fundraiser: (17:58)
Illegal Ships: (20:07)
Rule 34: (20:52)
Gatekeeping: (21:47)
Twitter Drama: (23:38)
Outro: (24:03)
Channels showcased in this video (in order of mentioning them):
Shenpai Streams: / @shenpaistreams
ManlyBadAssHero: / @manlybadasshero
Tuonto: / @tuonto
Mori Calliope: / @moricalliope
Merg: / myeveryrottengiggles
Bijuu Mike: / bijuumike
JohneAwesome: / johneawesome
Pr1vate Lime: / @pr1vatelime
Tealgamemaster: / @tealgamemaster
Hana Macchia: / @hanamacchia
GameFace Max: / jmaxlinglus
NicoB: / nicob7700
Neimann: / dxneimann2
Scribbs: / scribblyhoots
Quasimofo: / ihasgamesbro
Rose Matter: / @rosematterplays
Counselor Plays: / @counselorplays
Pirate Software: / @piratesoftware
RPG Monger: / @therpgmonger
Nitro Rad: / @nitrorad
Xaber VI: / @i_amadeuss
Ji the Storyteller: / @jithestoryteller
Anarchosagas: / @anarchosagas6672
Vailskibum94: / vailskibum94
Mattchu: / @mattchuzz
Daryl Talks Games: / @daryltalksgames
uricksaladbar: / uricksaladbar
OR30: / @or3omusic
FamilyJules: / familyjules7x
J-Trigger: / auron530
MegaBaz: / @megabaz9
snazzy: / @znazzy
Melono Melon: / @melonomelon
Osulan: / @osulan
That One Guy: / channel
Jayck34: / @jayck3489
TyLee: / @tyleeyt
MACHINEMIMI: / duchesso
Kaips: / @kaips_
ZENO 25: / @zeno2568
meu: / @meu1984
_ysther: / @ysther
Ichika: / @itchy_ka
Ruah: / @ruahstuff
mewbbie: / cookiecrystalful
dellabelle99: / @dellabelle9956
Retheora: / retheora
Staruri: / @staruri_starz
CalebCity: / gizzlyb3aver
Photograaf: / @aldebaranch_
Planetary Facts: / @planetaryfacts
Nyctomatter: / @nyctomatter
Mashu D Mellow: / @mashudeez
Starmie0858: / @perryskywalker
Omocat: / @omocat143
LillyEerie: / @st4rfound
Kranchers: / @d_ciphr
Bo en: / @boenyeah
GTLive: / @gtlive
(Stupid Description Character Limit won't let me add more Channels)
Website stuff:
OMORI Discord: / discord
r/OMORI: / omori
OMORI Twitter:
Omocat Merch Store:
Redbubble OMORI Merch:
Etsy OMORI Merch: