375 тысяч подписчиков
57 видео
A Serious Talk about the Friday Night Funkin' Fandom
(SPOILERS)(OMORI) Streamers React to The Final Duet (500 Sub Special!)
Bluskys: a Reputation Destroyed in 12 hours (Friday Night Funkin')
(OMORI) Why AUBREY is a Brilliant Character! (A Timeline Analysis)
Friday Night Funkin' Controversy Iceberg Explained
Adding onto my Previous Talk about the Friday Night Funkin' Fandom
The Inspirations for Headspace from the Real World
(OMORI) Streamers React to: The Truth Part 2 (Electric Boogaluth?) (SPOILERS)
OMORI - Streamers React to: Opening the Door for Hellmari
The OMORI Community: A Deep Dive into the Insanity
How OMORI SCARES You | Analysis of Psychological Horror
People Tried to Cancel Omocat Again (and how Toby Fox got dragged into it)
RightBurstUltra: Endless Manipulation (Friday Night Funkin')
(Better Reupload) RightBurstUltra: Endless Manipulation | Friday Night Funkin'
Naxinet and MMLL: Dauntless Degeneracy (Friday Night Funkin')
The "Revival" of Revie | From Villainized to "Vindicated" (Friday Night Funkin')
Omori Nerd Plays Friday Night Funkin' Vs OMORI: BLACK SPACE BOSS RUSH
OMORI Youtuber plays VS Omori Friday Night Funkin' Week!
Best Morning | A Good Morning Cover Mashup (OMORI)
OMORI - Streamers React to: Cutting Open Mewo (Part 1)
The Horrors of BombasticHype/ZennyLanny: The Dave and Bambi Bully (Friday Night Funkin')
Ranking EVERY 5 Star Character Demo | Genshin Impact (2.8)