*UPDATE* PATCHED as of the Escalation of Freedom update on August 6th 2024.
As always, your mileage may vary. Wait for the next charge animation cycle if you fail.
I don't have all the warbonds weapons unlocked or super citizen status but the same theory should still apply. For non-AP support weapons, the Arc Thrower is unable to focus on a particular spot.
0:00 - P-2 Peacemaker
0:31 - P-19 Redeemer
0:45 - P-4 Senator
1:08 - AR23-Liberator
1:25 - AR-23P Liberator Penetrator
1:39 - AR-23E Liberator Explosive
1:57 - SMG-37 Defender
2:19 - R-63 Diligence
2:28 - R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper
2:44 - SG-8 Punisher
2:52 - SG-8S Slugger
3:02 - SG-225 Breaker
3:08 - SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary
3:17 - LAS-5 Scythe
3:43 - MG-43 Machine Gun
3:54 - M-105 Stalwart
4:02 - APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle
4:09 - AC-8 Autocannon
4:22 - LAS-98 Laser Cannon
5:01 - FL-21 Grenade Launcher
5:57 - Helldivers Difficulty Application