Reference/Storyboard Version: • FFXIV | Wedding Dress Reference/Story...
The next biggest FFXIV production I've undertaken since Mean Girls.
As with most video ideas, the song first came about in one of my communities as a meme. I thought about it for awhile, and soon it was quite apparent that we had almost all the available resources in-game to make this music video a reality.
The toughest part of planning for this was definitely the wedding scenes. I knew we had the actual Cathedral in East Shroud to use but it required actually having an EB and if I ever needed to re-shoot scenes it would be almost impossible due to unnecessary expenditures on EB ceremonies (and it didn't have a piano).
So as with all the custom sets seen in this GMV, they were self-designed in an apartment to fit the rough aesthetics of the original. There were some scenes shot in publicly accessible places, and my own personal house was used for a few scenes, but custom set design was definitely a big one (and a first for me) this time around.
With all that said, I leave this video as a homage to the era of story-based MVs. May they never die out.
Special thanks again to the external modding tools made available to us. It truly is a lifesaver for solo producers.
TAEYANG - Wedding Dress
Edited in Adobe Premiere & After Effects