What a an absolute great series of games! Using the SSG24 on offense and trying my best to pick off enemies while allies push in and make their way upstairs! Let's go!
Сегодня будет мудро! я надеюсь⠀Вообще, мудрые изречения уже достаточно зашкварились голожопыми1
Центр Музыки. Звуковое оборудование
Чем проще нарисовать стрелку? Лайфхак от Жанны Сан-Жак
ТОРАТАУ! группа "Шихан"!
VII Международный конкурс музыкантов-исполнителей «КЛАССИЧЕСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ». 28.11.2022 г.
How To Use Instagram Account Center
The final event to wrap up my first Airsoft Documentary
I Survived the CRAZIEST Airsoft MILSIM in Canada as a Documentarian
How shooting my FIRST Airsoft Documentary is going! | Update 2
The Cando Experiment July 4th Podcast
How shooting my FIRST Airsoft Documentary is going! | Update 1
Ep8: F#$& it, I'm shooting a Documentary!
PRZ Attack the Heli !! Sniper vs Full Auto
DAYBREAK - Bravo 1-1 : Having a blast
DEFENSE @ PRZ - part 2 - *Can I get the 30 bomb?*
Skirmish sniping on OFFENSE at PRZ - part 1
My MEDIC is the hero we truly needed!
Sniping at Warsoft. Which team parties the hardest?