699 подписчиков
94 видео
The final event to wrap up my first Airsoft Documentary
I Survived the CRAZIEST Airsoft MILSIM in Canada as a Documentarian
How shooting my FIRST Airsoft Documentary is going! | Update 2
The Cando Experiment July 4th Podcast
How shooting my FIRST Airsoft Documentary is going! | Update 1
Ep8: F#$& it, I'm shooting a Documentary!
PRZ Attack the Heli !! Sniper vs Full Auto
DAYBREAK - Bravo 1-1 : Having a blast
DEFENSE @ PRZ - part 2 - *Can I get the 30 bomb?*
Skirmish sniping on OFFENSE at PRZ - part 1
My MEDIC is the hero we truly needed!
Sniping at Warsoft. Which team parties the hardest?
Driver Fitting at TXG - Let the games begin!
Nikon Z30 Camera settings to STREAM! Mini run-through!