In more and more jurisdictions, owning a home is becoming increasingly difficult, with consequences that go far beyond the economic dimension?
Simply because we are no longer referring to discretionary spending, to the proverbial avocado toast and what not, but rather to a necessity. At the end of the day, no matter what it is you do for a living, you need a place to... well, live.
Thus, the housing affordability topic is one we can consider far trickier to tackle than many other topics that pertain to economics. Calling it "sensitive" would be quite an understatement, to be blunt.
Through this video, I will attempt to put what can indeed be considered today's housing affordability crisis under the microscope in an unbiased manner. This is most definitely one of those topics that is impossible to cover in a way that pleases everyone and I am fine with that.
Still, I have done my best not to pick sides in an attempt to be popular, ride a wave and so on. If that makes me a centrist, so be it :)