Can blockchain technology solve 100% of the world's problems? Of course not and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that... why should it? Instead, anything blockchain-related shines when it comes to a core group of sovereignty-oriented use cases.
With these blockchain use cases alone being more than enough to justify the existence of the technology. To put it differently, blockchain technology and cetralized solutions complement one another. For some use cases, it makes more sense to use centralized options whereas for others, blockchain technology is what shines.
At the end of the day, there is room in the ecosystem for a wide range of options and what's most important is understanding what blockchain technology is all about in a meaningful manner. It is this understanding that will enable you to form an educated opinion with respect to when it makes sense to opt for blockchain technology and when the cons outweigh the pros. There is no such thing as a "one size fits all" solution in the tech world and the financial dimension most definitely doesn't represent an exception :)