Turbocharge React Shopping Cart: Jotai State Management!

Опубликовано: 22 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Mafia Codes

In this video we will learn #state mangement in #react by building a #shopping cart #application in #nextjs using Jotai.

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0:00 Introduction
1:33 Jotai Provider
2:41 defining atoms - a piece of state
4:45 Initial cart items state
5:44 Derived state for quality of cart items
10:43 Adding products to cart
19:10 useCart hook
22:47 Delete a product from cart
25:50 Update cart item quantity
28:54 Order summary - Derived state
32:54 Formatting to currency
35:42 Resetting state

Github (starter project): https://github.com/trulymittal/jotai-...
Github (complete project): https://github.com/trulymittal/jotai-...

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