44 тысяч подписчиков
365 видео
10. Production Ready Server Setup - Load balancing using Nginx with gzip and websockets support
Sticky Footer 🔥 3 Ways 🔥 only CSS
Custom buttons in android from images
Loading and caching images | Glide Library | Android
Unlock the Power of Server Actions in Next.js: Boosting Performance and Enhancing User Experience
How to generate and use a SSL certificate in NodeJS
Drag and drop Reorder in Recycler View | Android
10. Git Tutorial - Branches with conflicts
17. Redis client connection the singleton way | Node JS API Authentication
Setup MongoDB for Production deployment - Replica Sets cluster
2. Git Tutorial - Initialize a new Repo & config file
Nodejs inside Docker Container
How to setup Nodejs Express with Typescript
Night Mode | Dark Mode | Android 🌙
Lottie Animations | animations made simple | Android
2. RBAC - Setting up the application with error handler and mongodb connection
14. Production Ready Server Setup - Timezone setup
Prisma ORM crash course by building a RestAPI with Nodejs Express
1. List Adapter | Introduction & setup | DiffUtil.ItemCallback
🔥CSS ! important directive, what it means? 🔥
Drag & Drop Markers | Reverse Geocoding
Firebase Authentication v9 in ReactJS (google/email sign-in, custom reset password) with ChakraUI
Custom TOAST | Android Studio 3.1.2 | Easy
Recycler View with complete explanation | Android
Level Up Your Next.js Web Apps: Complete Clerk.js Authentication Tutorial for Next.js Developers!
Send Email from an Android Application
Install Docker on Windows
3. Shopping Cart (MVVM) - Project Setup & Navigation Component
4. Chat application using Websockets (using Nodejs Express and Socket.io)
You won't BELIEVE what I just did with TanStack's React Tables!
How to create a child process in nodejs (exec, execFile and spawn)
One VSCode extension to rule them all
iOS style Segment control in React using Framer motion
My first NPM package - express-draft
Astro - Complete tutorial
FirestoreUI FirestoreRecyclerAdapter | Listing Note documents
3. Setting up express with Error handler | Node JS API Authentication
Notifications and notification channels in Android
Saving a Product | RESTful API using NodeJS and MongoDB
Data Binding - Introduction - How to use & enable data binding in an Android application
Firebase Storage | Uploading image
Firebase | Updating User Profile
Keyframe Animations with ConstraintLayout and ConstraintSet
RETROFIT Tutorial (v 2.5.0) | HTTP Client | Android Studio 3.2.1
OnClick Listener using Interface in RecyclerView
How to deploy Nodejs Express API in Cloud functions
Circular ImageView using a library
How to use the Fork method in child-process and do inter-process communication.
How to use One-tap Google sign in, including idToken validation server side
6. Production Ready Server Setup - Installing nodejs and start pm2 as service
18. Blacklisting Refresh Tokens using Redis | Node JS API Authentication