One of the most common causes for concern for new parents is if their baby is wheezing. It can be very scary to hear and see, and it's always a good idea to check with a doctor if you are concerned about your baby's breathing.
Wheezing in babies can be caused by many things, but most commonly by something happening in the airway. This includes an infection, some inflammation, or hyperreactivity. The muscles in the airway can react to different stimuli to constrict and cause a wheezing, whistling sound. Wheezing can also be caused by a foreign body in the airway or an anatomical abnormality.
To treat wheezing, your doctor may give breathing medications to try to open up the airways. When a baby is wheezing it does not necessarily mean that they have asthma. However, it could mean that they could be at an increased risk of developing asthma.
If your child is wheezing, it is best to have everything checked out by your pediatrician so that you can identify the root cause and take action.
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