I recently had a chance to sit down and chat with Ali Gowani, expert data scientist and strategist on how you can get ready for the AI revolution.
Ali Gowani is a seasoned scientist and strategist with a passion for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. He has a Master’s in Data Science from Northwestern University (Beth Lair) and is currently the President of the Student Leadership Council at the university. Ali was also the Director of AI and ML at AmplifAI, a company focused on harnessing the power of AI to drive improved workforce performance and customer satisfaction. He has recently accepted a Workforce Intelligence position at Amazon. In this interview, Ali shares his expert views on the prominent field of data science, discussing the importance of AI education, as well as addressing other AI-related topics.
Get answers to questions on what is data science and AI, where they are headed in the near future, how school systems should prepare for this trend, what the job prospects are for students that focus on AI in college/school, what tools to look into (Pycaret, Antoni Baum, Nikhil Gupta Moez Ali), AI and other books (Karim Lakhani David Epstien) and courses you should get your hands on, and a lot more in this expert interview featured on Acadaimy!
Ali Gowani ( / aliagowani )
Moez Ali ( / profile-moez )
Antoni Baum ( / yard1 )
Nikhil Gupta ( / guptanick )
Karim Lakhani ( / professorkl )
David Epstien ( / david-epstein-5a37ba25 )
Beth Lair ( / beth-lair-32449625 )
[00:01:31] In your perspective, how would you define data science and artificial intelligence to a middle or high schooler who is beginning on the journey of AI?
[00:02:13] What inspired you to get started with AI and data science?
[00:30:20] What do these fields (AI/data science) mean to you now, and where do you see them headed in the near future?
[00:04:27] In your opinion, how should school systems prepare students for this trend?
[00:05:21] How have you done this at Northwestern through the Student Leadership Council?
[00:06:37] What do you think are the job prospects/opportunities for students that focus on AI in college/school?
[00:08:17] How has your experience at Northwestern helped you shape your industry career in AI? [here, perhaps you could talk about Amplifai/Amazon]
[00:10:49] How much do you think AI has penetrated in companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc.?
[00:11:57] Knowing what you know today about AI, what advice would you give your 18-year old self?
[00:14:38] What is one good book that you’d recommend for a college student/high schooler/middle schooler just beginning this journey with AI?
[00:17:15] What is one good online course that you’d recommend for a college student/high schooler/middle schooler venturing into AI?
[00:23:13] Rapid Fire question - You are an intelligent AI bot and you’ve just been placed at the entrance of an airport. What is one creative thing you’d tell them when you see them?
Book References:
Competing in the Age of AI: Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World: https://www.amazon.com/Competing-Age-...
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World: https://www.amazon.com/Range-Generali...
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