hello angels :3
happi sunday (or monday for most of you now)
i usually like the rubbery sounds of the 3dio, but i thought this powder made the 3dio sound so smooth and satisfying. i hope you are able to enjoy and relax! actually, i had my editor send me his finished edit so i could go over it with some of my personal edits and i found myself nodding off near the end... or maybe its also because im sick and have been sleeping all day LOL
i am sick so often these days... i realize its hard to be active where i live since i live in such a dangerous part of los angeles. there has recently been higher crime rates in my area so i'm actually breaking lease early and moving somewhere safer. i think the stress and lack of activity has been making my body susceptible to sickness :/ stay safe everyone!
it's also been cold and rainy and snowy and hail-y holy what is going on?! i've been staying bundled in blankets binging shark tank LMAO that show is so addictive
ok that is all, my brain is fuzzy from being sick and i am about to crawl back in to bed ^^ (this upload is late tonight because i woke up from my nap to see that my export failed and my videos take hours to export because i don't skimp on the quality settings) ((i'm very happy to have gotten this upload up on time still))
see you all soon :3
xoxo kimi
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Twitch VOD Channel: / @angelskimivods
(All ASMR VODs will be uploaded here)
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