The pain is real.
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Gello's Random Act of Kindness ep. 12: Lunch for New York City Barbershop!
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Top Praise and Worship Songs 2024 Playlist ✝️ Nonstop Christian Gospel Songs 🙌✝️ The Name of Jesus
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How to make full bleed wrappers with CSS grid
Simple design tips for developers
Please stop using px for font-size.
I tried using Framer to build a website (as a web developer)
How to build an accessible hamburger menu with HTML, SCSS & JS
Happy Monday! Working on the next video...
Code faster with VS Code shortcuts #coding #html #css
Code faster with these VS Code shortcuts
Coding walkthrough: building a website w/ HTML, SCSS, JS
Reverse-engineering Stripe's themes with CSS custom props
what reading the CSS docs is like IRL
Why adding a margin on a child element affects the parent
Why there's a white space under your image tag
How to debug CSS with Firefox Developer Tools
weird issue when putting an image in an anchor link
Building a portfolio website with HTML & CSS | Part 1
How to test a local website on your phone
Coding is NOT enough.
Coding timelapse (working on my course)
Free resources to learn web dev that you may not have heard of
Sass and BEM for beginners
1 hr ambient/lofi music for coding (no midroll ads)
How to keep up with trends in web development
Free games to learn CSS!