Welcome to the Kickstart Commerce podcast where we share search marketing and domain investing strategies to help grow your business.
In today's episode, our guest is Zak Muscovitch — a Canadian intellectual property lawyer, Founder and Publisher of Domain Name Law Reports, and General Counsel at the Internet Commerce Association (also known as the ICA).
Today Zak and I discuss:
How Zak got his start in Internet and domain name law writing about the future of Internet commerce taxation.
Zak then talks about his first domain name law experience, including the backstory of Toronto2.com and a few other key UDRPs — Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy.
And of course, we discuss whether or not Zak invests in domain names.
Zak and I discuss what domain investors should do to protect themselves from UDRP, what to do when facing a UDRP, and the likelihood of domain investors having to fight a UDRP.
And last but not least, Zak shares the latest changes with the ICA as well as addressing the top pressing priorities on the horizon for the ICA.
In closing, don’t forget to subscribe as you enjoy this week's episode via iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher, or however you desire to listen. 😍
Last but not least, please visit KickstartCommerce.com and DNAdverts.com to learn more about search marketing and domain investing ideas to grow your business.