Welcome to the Kickstart Commerce podcast where we share search marketing and domain investing strategies to help grow your business.
In today's episode, our guest is Bill McClure — a long-time entrepreneur and domain investor of 20-plus year domain veteran.
Today Bill and I discuss:
His entrepreneurial roots and 35 years of experience in owning and operating the family’s funeral and insurance businesses
We also discuss how exiting multiple family businesses positioned Bill to invest in a Florida-based stainless steel manufacturer, a flower import operation, and a tele-flower company later known as eFlowers.com that was sold to FTD in the early 2000s.
Bill then highlights the invaluable relationships as well as the good, the bad, and ugly pertaining to his domain investing journey that dates back to the mid 1990s.
Bill shares why and how he arrived at his sweet spot of buying domains in the $5k to $20k range, having made purchases at or well above the $100K mark — like the Coffee.org purchase story.
And last but not least, as if Bill needed one more thing to do, Bill unveils how he and partners are conquering the world of portable restrooms with high-end products and services branded as Royal Thrones.
In closing, don’t forget to subscribe as you enjoy this week's episode via iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher, or however you desire to listen. 😍
Last but not least, please visit KickstartCommerce.com and DNAdverts.com to learn more about search marketing and domain investing ideas to grow your business.