How to add Jenkins Slave node using SSH Keys| DevopsFlux

Опубликовано: 27 Декабрь 2024
на канале: Devops Flux

In this video, we’ll show you how to add a Jenkins slave node using SSH keys, install Java Runtime, and test a sample pipeline using labels.

00:00 java run time installation on slave node machine
01:12 adding new user on Jenkins slave node for executing jobs using Jenkins master(Controller)
01:50 setup of ssh key based authentication from Jenkins Master(controller ) to Jenkins slave node
04:35 Setting Jenkins slave from Jenkins ui
07:43 Sample pipeline jobs execution and testing on slave node from Jenkins master (Controller) with node label option

🔹 *Topics Covered:*
Installing Java Runtime on Jenkins slave node
Setting up SSH keys for secure communication
Adding a Jenkins slave node to the master
Testing a sample pipeline using labels

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