Furries Vs Yours Truly
Via Rail at Toronto Union Station | Dec. 1986/Jan. 1987 (Colin Churcher)
Stevie Lachance - When The Sun Don't Shine (Original Song)
How To Make Professional Logo For Your Youtube Channel | Youtube Channel ka leya logo kesy banaye
Tornado about to start
nuh uh
Transform Your Buttons with This Satisfying Liquid Hover Effect | CSS Tutorial
The Ordo Malleus : Solus - An Original Warhammer 40k Short Story
Snowflake ProTalk: Building a Document AI Pipeline in Snowflake [FULL WEBINAR]
Cloud MFT with Oded Nahum
When AI Makes Developers LESS Productive
What is Medallion Architecture?
What will happen to Intricity101?
What's New in Snowflake March through May 2024
Defragmenting vs #partitioning, the new way of effective #computing | #data #cloudcomputing
Storage-contained #partitioning dictates #storage space for each partition. #data #harddrive #cloud
Instead of defragmenting, try use-case-oriented #partitioning based on an attribute of #data usage
#throwback to the days of defragmenting your #harddrive for speed. Today we use #partitioning
ASOF Join helps with timeseries requirements in #snowflake #data #ai #llm #snowflakeprotalk #asof
What is a partition?
Hybrid Tables, the right tools for the job #data #snowflakeprotalk #hybridtables #llm #ai
LLM ranks no coffee at the car dealership!? Would you still buy the car? #snowflakeprotalk #llm #ai
CI/CD requires consistency + smaller logic sets #cicd #data #datastrategy #datamanagement
Practices to consider when using a CI/CD process during development. #cicd #data #datastrategy
Missing #datamanagement strategy = nothing to integrate or deploy to. #cicd #data #datastrategy
Does CI/CD work for data projects? #cicd #data #datastrategy #datamanagement #continuousintegration
Odds are you don't have a CI/CD process! #cicd #data #datastrategy #datamanagement #integration
CI/CD for Data Projects
Consistent dev/QA/Prod +: smaller logic sets 2 modern pillars of today's center of excellence #data
Compute optimization + AI auditing: 2 modern pillars of today's center of excellence #datacloud
Access control automation + data graduation: 2 modern pillars of today's center of excellence #data
Not your boomer's center of excellence #innovation #technology #datacloud #centerofexcellence #data