42 тысяч подписчиков
233 видео
Anonymous Procedures in Snowflake
What is PIM?
LLM ranks no coffee at the car dealership!? Would you still buy the car? #snowflakeprotalk #llm #ai
ASOF Join helps with timeseries requirements in #snowflake #data #ai #llm #snowflakeprotalk #asof
Whats New in Snowflake March through May 2024
Compute optimization + AI auditing: 2 modern pillars of todays center of excellence #datacloud
Missing #datamanagement strategy = nothing to integrate or deploy to. #cicd #data #datastrategy
Consistent dev/QA/Prod +: smaller logic sets 2 modern pillars of todays center of excellence #data
Odds are you dont have a CI/CD process! #cicd #data #datastrategy #datamanagement #integration
What will happen to Intricity101?
Hybrid Tables, the right tools for the job #data #snowflakeprotalk #hybridtables #llm #ai
CI/CD requires consistency + smaller logic sets #cicd #data #datastrategy #datamanagement
What is a Data Frame?
What is Metadata Management?
Python Function Sandboxing in Snowflake
What is Medallion Architecture?
What is a partition?
Cloud Data Streaming
Snowflake ProTalk: Snowflake Summit Summary - FULL WEBINAR!
What is a database schema?
What is Hadoop?
What is a Graph Database?
Turning Data into Information
What is Low Code?
What is a Columnar Database?
Modern center of excellence in data cloud systems
What is a Data Lake?
Synchronous vs Asynchronous Queries
What is a Data Model?
What is Budgeting and Planning?
Sharing Data... The Easy Way
Data Lake vs Data Warehouse
Why Hadoop is Dying
Why "Born in the Cloud" Matters
Database vs Data Warehouse
What is DAG?
Why are analytics dying?
What is Snowflake‘s Extension for VS Code?
What are Streams in Snowflake?
Push boundaries with a modern Center of Excellence for the cloud
Python vs SQL
When the demo stays for good
Snowflake Scripting: Dynamic vs In-line SQL
When data gets creepy
3 Types of Streams in Snowflake
What is Hadoop?: SQL Comparison
Managing Security in Snowflake with FlowObjects
What is Access Control?
Widgets vs Code