How to cook food over an open fire

Опубликовано: 12 Март 2025
на канале: Hall of Masters

How to properly cook food over an open fire. How to cook on the grill, coals and barbecue. People began cooking over open fires before our era. At first this was commonplace, but progressive development increased its pace, and man made fire obedient and tame. He sealed the open flame in the oven, separating it from the cooking utensils with a cast iron stove. Further - more, electric and gas stoves appeared, which today have acquired a mass of high-tech bells and whistles and devices that are very useful for housewives. And cooking over an open fire has ceased to be an everyday activity, becoming the prerogative of camping trips, picnics and country weekends with barbecues. As time passed, the art of cooking developed and popularized, the cuisines of different nations adopted each other’s experiences, adopting interesting recipes and cooking techniques. And at some point, cooking with “open fire and hot coals” ceased to be just one of the methods of heat treatment of food. It has formed into a full-fledged section of gastronomic culture. It was based on the heritage of those national cuisines in which the traditions of cooking food over flames and coals turned out to be so strong that frying products using the technology worked out by distant ancestors, despite any progress, was and remains a mandatory procedure. Such cuisines include Turkish and Uzbek, Indian and Chinese; this method of cooking is widely used in the countries of Southeast Asia.



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