i will write another one once i’m back at my pc, i wrote it on my iphone the first time and it kept glitching i was already so annoyed it took me so long to type but it’s ok i shall use an actual keyboard this time
edit: OK HELLO I AM BACK :))
hellooOOo hello hello my angels 😊
i am BACK with another video!!! i made a new fast asmr video for this week because the last one had its Left and Right audio swapped and it was just too painful for me to leave up on my channel... BUT! Since I'm seeing there are a few of you who liked that video, maybe I'll swap the audio channels and throw it up on my twitch vods channel (i've been putting all my twitch asmr streams on there). how does that sound heh (NUBBIE ARE YOU READING THIS?! nubbie is my editor)
i also saw someone asking how my week was in the comments :D or at least i think i remember seeing someone asking that... REGARDLESS HOW VERY NICE OF U FOR ASKING! you know people don't ask each other about how their weeks have been anymore it's so sad. anyway my week was INTERESTING. i swear sometimes i wonder if i'm ok like i felt amazing this week but also had moments of crippling, existential depression and anxiety but i feel great again
so let's unpack that
i've been frequenting the gym again:D i tried out the stair master for the first time and you know i sorta love it idk. i find the treadmill SO boring, the stair stepper is stimulating in it's amount of pain it gives you in a short amount of time. so i've been doing 10 minutes on the stair stepper, and then i walk on an incline on the treadmill and scroll on tiktok for 30 min - 1hr. and then i play around with some exercise machines. i dont think my body was prepared for that amount of working out because i found myself spiraling in lethargy for the rest of my week... i also cut meat out of my diet and i have been feeling freaking amazing like it was a great choice but yeah i think my body is just still getting used to it all. i still eat tofu and seafood and i drink protein shakes and take vitamins every day now dont worry! honestly maybe that's why i crashed this past week... all the excitement from coming back to streaming and continuing to make videos and working on stuff behind the scenes and working out and diet change... no wonder i wanted to make a fast paced asmr video this week HAHA.
i have forgot what i typed the first time or if i missed something i'm not gonna lie, writing a description using a keyboard hits soooo diff vs typing on a phone. i think i said generally the same things but it's so much easier to type in a stream of consciousness when i'm at my pc. you know i realized not everyone types / talks in a stream of consciousness, that's craaaaaazy to me. do you guys not have like a really strong inner voice in your heads? like sometimes my inner voice is so strong i forget to talk. like i forget that people can't hear my inner voice. talking is soOooOOo lame, if i could text for my entire life i would who's with me
okay that is all:D
have a cool week!!!
OOOH do you know what else would be cool?
if u bought me a coffee:D:D:D:D:D
hahahhaha shameless plug
i made that a while ago, i just never advertised it
it's nice though, i get 100% of the coffee money
unlike these big platforms taking hugeeeeee cuts
okay now that is all:D
goodbye! see u next week =]
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