In this stream I'll be summoning for c0 Furina on both my accounts, but I have to get lucky to win the 50/50! Shouldn't be a long stream since I will need time to farm her boss mats off stream before I can test her on stream later this weekend.
Alternate History Of The Soviet Union Every Year 1923-2022
Cartoon Cat VS Shin Sonic
LIFE CHANGING DECISION (We're not Selling Our Catamaran)
Lii nékhna bilahi , Serigne balla Ndiaye , Akassa khassida
Gran Turismo Sport "JDM CUP"- Initial D Style
J’ai laisser 2-3 fleurs à coter de ta boite aux lettres 🌷
İspanya 1-0 Portekiz | 2010 Dünya Kupası - Türkçe Spiker
🔴FriendSummoner special rules account! Can I get Baizhu for my Razor/Candace Team? Genshin Impact
🔴Very Sick Nerd Tries to Get C6 Gaming and C2 Cloud Retainer, Going Broke
🔴Gaming/Cloud Q&A + Teapot Tour and Summoning Ritual Design
🔴Live! 4.4 Special Program Reaction (slightly belated, Sorry!), then strongboxing and teapot design
🔴Live! FriendSummoner AR 45 Artifact Farming and Healer Ningguang | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live! FriendSummoner and Trying to Pull Furina | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live! FriendSummoner EU Account Wishing and Questing
🔴Live! Exploring Fontaine, Questing, Maybe Some Abyss and FriendSummoner
🔴Live! Testing Furina C0, C1, and C2
Flabbergasting Furina Summons - Can I get C2? | Genshin Impact Summoning Session
🔴Live! Furina Summons, time to win some 50/50s :) | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live! Wriothesley Showcase, Abyss, Rating Wrio, & C0 vs C1 Comparison | Genshin Impact Live Stream
LUCKIEST Genshin Streamer? Wriothesley Summons for C1 and Cashflow Supervision
🔴Live! Wriothesley Summons, Abyss, and More | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live! Wriothesley Pre-Farming, Wishing, and More | Genshin Impact Live Stream
A Whale Flexed On Me While Streaming... So I Flexed Back With My Kazuha! C6 Kazuha Showcase
🔴Live! Chongyun but Pyro! Artifact Strongboxing, Wishing, and More | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live Neuvillette Abyss Runs, Questing, and Exploring | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live Neuvillette Summons, Farming, and Maybe a New Account | Genshin Impact Live Stream
Artifact Farming for Wriothesley, 1400 Resin Spent | Genshin Impact Live Stream, Chill and Hang Out
Kirara Clears Abyss 12 First Half | Genshin Impact Character Showcase, Yae Miko Aggravate
I Kept Summoning Until My Luckiest 10 Pull Ever! Kirara and Yae Miko Summons | Genshin Impact
C6 Mika Showcase with Eula and Razor, plus Mika Review | Genshin Impact Showcase
Summoning for Shenhe Constellations | Genshin Impact Wishes for Shenhe, Calamity Queller, and Mika