I'm trying to farm some artifacts for my future Wriothesley! Come chill and hang out and let me know what you've been up to in Genshin Impact.
Alternate History Of The Soviet Union Every Year 1923-2022
Cartoon Cat VS Shin Sonic
LIFE CHANGING DECISION (We're not Selling Our Catamaran)
Lii nékhna bilahi , Serigne balla Ndiaye , Akassa khassida
Gran Turismo Sport "JDM CUP"- Initial D Style
J’ai laisser 2-3 fleurs à coter de ta boite aux lettres 🌷
İspanya 1-0 Portekiz | 2010 Dünya Kupası - Türkçe Spiker
🔴FriendSummoner special rules account! Can I get Baizhu for my Razor/Candace Team? Genshin Impact
🔴Very Sick Nerd Tries to Get C6 Gaming and C2 Cloud Retainer, Going Broke
🔴Gaming/Cloud Q&A + Teapot Tour and Summoning Ritual Design
🔴Live! 4.4 Special Program Reaction (slightly belated, Sorry!), then strongboxing and teapot design
🔴Live! FriendSummoner AR 45 Artifact Farming and Healer Ningguang | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live! FriendSummoner and Trying to Pull Furina | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live! FriendSummoner EU Account Wishing and Questing
🔴Live! Exploring Fontaine, Questing, Maybe Some Abyss and FriendSummoner
🔴Live! Testing Furina C0, C1, and C2
Flabbergasting Furina Summons - Can I get C2? | Genshin Impact Summoning Session
🔴Live! Furina Summons, time to win some 50/50s :) | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live! Wriothesley Showcase, Abyss, Rating Wrio, & C0 vs C1 Comparison | Genshin Impact Live Stream
LUCKIEST Genshin Streamer? Wriothesley Summons for C1 and Cashflow Supervision
🔴Live! Wriothesley Summons, Abyss, and More | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live! Wriothesley Pre-Farming, Wishing, and More | Genshin Impact Live Stream
A Whale Flexed On Me While Streaming... So I Flexed Back With My Kazuha! C6 Kazuha Showcase
🔴Live! Chongyun but Pyro! Artifact Strongboxing, Wishing, and More | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live Neuvillette Abyss Runs, Questing, and Exploring | Genshin Impact Live Stream
🔴Live Neuvillette Summons, Farming, and Maybe a New Account | Genshin Impact Live Stream
Artifact Farming for Wriothesley, 1400 Resin Spent | Genshin Impact Live Stream, Chill and Hang Out
Kirara Clears Abyss 12 First Half | Genshin Impact Character Showcase, Yae Miko Aggravate
I Kept Summoning Until My Luckiest 10 Pull Ever! Kirara and Yae Miko Summons | Genshin Impact
C6 Mika Showcase with Eula and Razor, plus Mika Review | Genshin Impact Showcase
Summoning for Shenhe Constellations | Genshin Impact Wishes for Shenhe, Calamity Queller, and Mika