This video shows the 2D animation feature in Blender 2.9 and how it can be used to create a new 2D animation. This is particularly useful for creating 2D animations which can be included in your YouTube videos. This is a relatively new feature which was introduced in Blender 2.8. It does not work with Blender 2.7 or earlier.
** Due to audio problems with this version I've now passed the audio through noise reduction. For the improved version see the following link **
• Creating 2D Animations in Blender - A...
This is a beginners tutorial video which goes step-through-step explaining the process needed to create the animation. The example shown is of a airplane which flies across the screen.
For the images it uses the Blender Add-on "Import-Export: Import Images as Planes", which makes importing the images easier. It also demonstrates how text can be used in a 2D animation.
The technique used for hiding the image is to exclude it from the render. This is a simple technique for beginners, but does not offer much flexibility. I have added details of how to use the Shader Editor in the following video:
• Blender 2D animation – using the shad...
The shader editor is more complicated for beginners, but more than makes up for it in the flexibility that it has in terms of manipulating the image alpha value.
You can see more examples of the transitions I've created at the PowerUp 4.0 airplane video at:
• PowerUp 4.0 Smartphone Controller Pap...
00:00 Introduction to Blender 2D
01:31 Launching Blender on Ubuntu and 2D animation option
04:54 Enabling the Image as Planes add-on
06:44 Adding text to a 2D animation
08:34 Changing the font in Blender
09:50 Changing color using materials
10:49 Animating using the Blender timeline
11:48 Creating movement on Blender timeline
16:58 Changing text transparency (alpha)
18:39 Moving keyframes on the timeline
20:54 Excluding objects from the render
24:08 Rendering to a MP4 video file
See the blog post and links for the files to download at: