My Raspberry Pi Touch screen project designed for use with my tropical fish aquarium.
We've recently introduced some new pets into our home. This time tropical fish. We thought it would be useful to provide some information about the fish for visitors and inspired by a visit to the London Aquarium Sea Life Centre we loved their digital displays. So why not do the same at home?
We also share the feeding and care within the family so we also wanted a way to know if the fish have been fed.
There are obviously many low-tech solutions to these, but I had a Raspberry Pi touch screen that was not doing much for most of the year, so why not use that. The touch screen was being used with my Pi Power home automation, which I thought provide an opportunity to be able to control other aspects of the aquarium including the aquarium light etc.
This uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript and integrates with the Pi Power home automation that I created.
For more details see:
and for details of the Pi Power home automation using Raspberry Pi and Energenie see:
00:00 Introduction
01:23 PiQuarium design
02:35 HTML and CSS
03:13 HTML loading flicker problem
03:45 Javascript
05:59 Pi power
06:49 Browser security problems
07:42 Demonstration