Released on approx January 11th 2015 | GD update at the time : 1.9
So this is heavily inspired by speedracer by zenthicalpha
I tried to remake the level except I didn't really understood what it meant to be a remake so what I did was just make a cheap copy without realising it.
I really loved the original level speedracer and the way it made use of speed portals and I also really wanted to get a demon rated level so I thought if I made something similar and slightly buffed it I would not only have another similar level to play but also the demon rate.
It got rated later but insane 9 so I understood that ratings work a bit different than what I thought ... But it was like one of my first attempts.
Now about the level itself ... it's way too similar to the original and again I was building with the intent to copy rather than learn so not much improvement here. I slipped in some of my favourite effects like the firework thingy (I think I saw it in chaoz airflow by sumsar ? really can't remember) and the wave effect again.
Since this level is more of a failed remake it only makes sense that I talk a little about the original creator.
Speedracer kinda made me look into more top creators work at the time and there was some kind of rivalry between zenthicalpha and viprin, back when we thought creator points still meant something at least. Viprin made very clean levels while zenthic experimented more and both their levels were very enjoyable to play as they were very experimented with the editor. Zenthic had this really signature identity of stacking blocks on top of each other to make block design which was really cool and iconic.
At some point zenthicalpha complained about the level being similar and while I did say it was a remake in the description I can see how people could think I had ill intentions and that the creator himself thought I stole his level, but I can assure you I just really loved speedracer a lot. Sorry zenthic ! I hope you see it as a form of flattery I just didn't know better :'(
So this is what happens when an inexperienced creator tries to remake an experienced creator's level without knowing how to remake and what made the original good. Yup all the criticism about being a bad clone or being a speedracer copy with no redeeming qualities is actually valid I just replayed the original and it truly is just that + annoying timings and unnecessary clicsync.
At this point I started to really enjoy playing community levels so you will notice my levels will have more and more stuff from others.
Which is not a bad thing if you do it with a learning mindset just avoid stealing because it will not benefit you in the long term.
Oh and I was actually pretty proud of it, I thought I successfully remade it xd I guess I had a good time after all.
Not super proud of this one 9 years later tho. So it's all a matter of perspective. But I still think bioluminescent is worst. At least you can enjoy some messed up monstrosity clone wanna be of a super rad level if you can endure the few timings there anyway.
Take home messages :
Avoid timings and unnecessary clicsync (they are intuitive to you because you are the creator but people playing your level will suffer)
Fix your dual desync bugs (0:26 dual desync bug for ex)
Slightly buffing a demon level does NOT give you a demon rating. Especially if it's easy.
It's good to copy the best creators because they are experienced but It's even better to know what made their stuff good in the first place or try to improve on it (as for me well I didn't learn anything because it wasn't done in the intent of learning, just copying and getting a demon rate) just don't steal (or ask for permission if you really have to)
Actually. I think I learned something from this level. I learned to make a better use of copypaste.
Level info :
Level name : racespeeder by pineapple
ID: 4170615
Song: chaoz impact by paragonx9
#geometrydash #gd #gd19 #gd2015 #gdlevel #gdlevels