Electro Harmonix Holy Stain Reverse Order Mod

Опубликовано: 24 Март 2025
на канале: DIYguitarGuy

The Holy Stain by Electro Harmonix is a dual pedal with a versatile dirt section on one the right side and a combination of 2 reverbs, pitch shifter en tremolo on the left side. These effects are in traditional order (dirt into modulation) so it would be cool if we could switch it around for some cool shoegaze sounds. I've added a switch to reverse the order of these two sides and in this video I'll show you how it's done.

What you need for this mod: a 3PDT (foot)switch, wire and heat shrinking tube. Tools: soldering iron, desoldering pump or braid, screw drivers, wrenches, pliers and a drill.

The blue expression pedal used by the lead guitar in the first jam is a little 2 knob stompbox that I made:    • A small DIY alternative for big expre...  

00:00 Intro jam
01:02 Introduction
01:46 Modification
04:10 Sound samples: just fuzz
06:08 Sound samples: room reverb
07:44 Sound samples: hall reverb
08:55 Sound samples: pitch shifter
11:36 Sound samples: tremolo

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