How to Install MongoDB on Windows 10
In this tutorial, you will learn How to Install MongoDB on Windows 10 step by step with practically.
First of All, you need to download MongoDB on MongoDB official Website. Once you have downloaded MongoDB on Windows 10, then you need to Install, the Install process very simple, you need to click next etc.
Once you have Installed MongoDB on your Computer, then you need to configure path. So, First of All, you need to find mongoDB directory or folder on your computer, once you find MongoDB folder, you need to open that, then find Bin Folder.
Once you have found MongoDB Bin Folder, then you need copy the complete MongoDB path, then you need go on Desktop, and right click on My Computer go to properties and then Advance Setting and Environmental Variable.
then Click path and edit, then click on new button, then paste copied MongoDB path, once you do that, then MongoDB installed on your local machine or computer.
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