How to Make Contact Us Form in Php
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Hey Guys, Hope You All of fine, In this tutorial we will learn How to Make Contact Us Form in Php, First of All, You must have Domain Name and Also Hosting to upload the project, without Domain Name and Hosting You Can't send the Message using Mail Function In php.
If you have Domain Name and Hosting, then you will upload Contact Us Form In php with your online server then user easily use that to send the message and you will get the message with your own email as you want.
Let's Talk About How to Design the Contact Us Form, first of all, you need to download Bootstrap CSS File, and then you need to include Bootstrap CSS File with your project.
Basically, Bootstrap CSS File that help you to design the contact us form, Once you designed contact us form using Bootstrap, then you need to get the data from input text fields.
Once you got the data from input text fields, then you will able to use that to send the Message using Mail Function in Php.
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