In this video, ScandiPWA maintainers are discussing an upcoming major release. This release will feature a TypeScript migration, the progress of which is reported in this video. We will also cover our weekly updates and progress!
Link to typescript migration roadmap referenced in the video:
Link to CMA presentation:
Zans Laksa:
All component migrations is completed – some minor fixes left
Started to format everything to match a single style
Documenting approaches we took in TypeScript, what types go where, examples
Opus (GQL client we use) has a bug related to Fragments, we will fix it after TS migration is completed
Alexander Kondratjevs:
Fixing minor typization problems
Aleksandrs Rivkinds:
1 minor release and 2 patches were released last week – includes Varnish, php performance, phpMD and phpCS (
Now working on database migration task, to make it more robust
Alfreds Genkins:
Results of new EDU format in Extension team is positive
There are 5 extensions in development right now
Starting to work on payment method extensions, so we can have more of them on MP ASAP