I love me sum good fightin in roguelikes, and its often a big reason I love the roguelikes that I love so much. However, if I'm being honest there hasn't been a roguelike that combat really stuck out for me as THE predominant feature of it. Plenty have had combat be a great aspect of their game, but usually the combat alone is not the top must-play factor to those roguelikes.
Then, everything changed when the fire na- Astral Ascent came along, and booooyyy does this game have some GOOD combat, dare i say, it NAILED roguelike combat (and I do).
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Music Used (In Order):
Disdrometer - Risk of Rain 2 (Chris Christodoulou)
Red Barrens ~ Exploration - Dale North (Astral Ascent)
Fragmented Plains ~ Combat - Dale North (Astral Ascent)
Coral Archipelago ~ Exploration - Dale North (Astral Ascent)
Crimson Highlands ~ Exploration - Dale North (Astral Ascent)
Andromeda's Bar - Dale North (Astral Ascent)
Check out this awesome music here!