Purple & Pink Preset suitable for bright and stylish people who are not afraid of experiments, and love to stand out. With Purple & Pink Preset, you will definitely not be left without attention. We have selected the most harmonious shades for eye-catching looks to your photos
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If you have not found the preset you are looking for, write to us! We will create the preset especially for you❤️
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You can choose the option that is better for you below:
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1. You can edit photos by yourself, watching my videos
2. You can download our presets for free, but for this you need to carefully watch the video and remember the password (****) for downloading the preset in DNG format
3. You can repeat our preset using the step-by-step instructions from the screenshots. Look at our website for more details: https://presetsstore.com
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How to download presets for absolutely free? Where to get the password?
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The password will appear in the upper right corner at any time, watch carefully. The password consists of four numbers and is divided into two parts. Example: Password1: 55 ** and Password2: ** 77. If you find both parts of the password, you just need to combine them. In our example, it turns out 5577
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Enjoy our presets
▶ Download the preset here:
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We will be deeply grateful for your comments🤗
And just notice the presets may not always be suitable for each photo, but by changing some parameters, you can achieve good results for your photos
Follow us 😉
Instagram: / presetsstorecom
Facebook: / presetsstorecom
Telegram: https://t.me/presetsstore
Vk: https://vk.com/presetsstore
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All images shown in the video belong to their respective owners. All pictures are for illustration purposes only. Author : Tamara Bellis : Unsplash
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#PurplePreset #PinkPreset #InstaPreset