This video walks you through the SQL 12 order of operations. Most commonly used SQL Clauses are covered in this video, but of course, not every SQL Clause is present in this video.
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If you want to run these queries on your own computer,
1. First download [SQLite]( or use [SQLite Online](
2. Second download the Northwind DB from my website for FREE when you sign up for my [FREE Tech Resources](
3. Third, Open the Northwind DB with SQLite
4. Copy and paste the queries above
5. And Lastly, Enjoy your Query Exploration
0:00 - SQL Order of Operations Introduction
1:17 - #1 - SQL “FROM” Clause
4:16 - #2 - SQL “JOIN” CLause
7:11 - #3 - SQL “WHERE” Clause
10:15 - Use more than 1 column in a “WHERE” SQL Statement
11:32 - Use “WHERE” Clause to filter “STRING” Data
14:26 - No “Aggregate Value in SQL WHERE” Clause. Using Aggregate value in SQL “WHERE” Clause
16:35 - #4 - SQL “GROUP BY” Clause
23:59 - Use SQL “GROUP BY with an Aggregate” Function
26:53 - Summary of SQL “GROUP BY” Clause
27:54 - #5 - SQL “AGGREGATE” Functions
32:49 - Summary of “WHERE vs HAVING” clause
33:28 - #6 - SQL “HAVING” Clause
35:51 - #7 - SQL “WINDOW Functions”
36:50 - How SQL “Window Functions” work Explained in Detail.
41:35 - How to use SQL Window Functions with Row Number and Aggregate Functions.
46:37 - #8 - SQL “SELECT” Clause
48:42 - #9 - SQL “DISTINCT” Clause
48:59 - SQL “Distinct” vs “Group By” Clause
49:32 - SQL “DISTINCT” Practical Example
51:31 - #10 - SQL “UNION” and “UNION ALL” Clause
52:23 - SQL “JOIN” vs “UNION”
56:59 - #11 - SQL “ORDER BY” Clause
58:43 - #12 - SQL “LIMIT” & “OFFSET”. “OFFSET vs LIMIT”
60:00 - Practical Example of SQL OFFSET & LIMIT
60:04 - Additional resources for you. SUPPORT this channel
60:06:04 - How to RUN these queries on your local computer
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