What is better - Gibson or Fender? I explain why Fender is better for me basing on my personal experience. So let the guitar war begin! )
If you've seen my videos before, you should know that my main guitar was Gibson SG Special for about 10 years. Now my main guitar is Fender Duo-Sonic. How did it happen?
I can tell you which guitar is the best exactly for me right now.
So what guitar to buy? Fender Stratocaster, Telecaster, Mustang, Jaguar or Jazzmaster? Gibson Les Paul, SG or Explorer.
My main message – don't buy Gibson SG only because Tony Iommi and Angus Young played it. And don't buy Fender Stratocaster only because of George Harrison, Eric Clapton or John Frusciante. The brand of guitar is not a guarantee of success, of good music and of pleasant way to play it.
Write your opinion in comments. What is your favorite guitar and the main – why.
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#Gibson #Fender #Guitar #ElectricGuitar #GuitarLessons #GuitarReview #FenderDuoSonic #GibsonSG