I finished the Coursera deeplearning.ai specialization by Andrew Ng!
Coursera for Deep Learning Specialisation - http://bit.ly/courseradl
The final course focused on sequence models. Sequence models are the techniques used to power technologies such as Google Voice, Alexa and Siri. I believe voice is going to be a very big platform in the future, simply because of the amount of time it can save.
Next week, I'll be jumping into the NLP section of the Udacity Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree.
Thanks for watching! Please leave a comment if you would like to see anything specific in the future.
12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson - http://amzn.to/2ENS427
The Singularity is Near by Ray Kerzweil - http://amzn.to/2EOTtW2
MIT AGI video with Ray Kurzweil - • Ray Kurzweil: Future of Intelligence ...
MIT AGI video with Josh Tenenbaum - • MIT AGI: Building machines that see, ...
Udacity AIND - https://www.udacity.com/course/artifi...
Trello Board with AI Master’s Curriculum - http://bit.ly/AIMastersCurriculum
Woebot - https://woebot.io/
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My AI Masters Curriculum - http://bit.ly/AIMastersDegree
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/ mrdbourke
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