How to open/access/unblock any blocked website with Google translate is shown in this video. Google translate can translate an entire webpage to a given language. We use the feature to bypass filter and unblock blocked website. Here google translate is being used as a proxy or VPN. Here are the steps to browse blocked websites...
1- Copy the blocked website URL
2- Browse
3- Paste the copied URL into left hand side box of google translate. Make sure language of the box is any language rather than English.
4- Hit translate button from above of the right hand side box. Make sure here English is selected from top of the right hand side box.
Done! The blocked website will be unblocked via Google Translate.
No VPN, Proxy, IP, Software, Download, tor browser needed. You need to use only Google Translate to bypass any blockage on your favorite website. In schools often WiFi networks block some specific websites like Reddit or some social medias. But truth is often we need to access these forums, social media sites to access our study relevant information. As often you can not install any software on school, college or University computer you can easily use Google Translate website to access your intended website.
Please be ensured this is not any kind of hack or you are not going to do any illegal task. Just use the method to access important website and read contents. You probably will not be able to see any YouTube videos. But in some cases you will be able to see streaming videos too.
I personally found Google Translate very handy when I was traveling to China and I noticed there Wikipedia is blocked. I used Google Translate to bypass the obstacle and was succeed to unblock Wikipedia using the exact same method I described here.
Google Translate website: