The Skar King, a tyrannical and merciless leader among the Great Apes, harbored ambitions of conquering the surface world. However, his aspirations were thwarted by Godzilla, who defeated him and imprisoned him within the depths of the Hollow Earth. Despite his incarceration, the Skar King's thirst for vengeance remained unquenched. Throughout the ages, he devised a cunning scheme, utilizing the formidable power of the ancient ice Titan Shimo. By wielding a crystal shard embedded within his Whipslash, he manipulated Shimo to serve his malevolent purposes, laying the groundwork for his ultimate resurgence and retaliation against those who dared to oppose him.
Let's take a look at how the evolution of Skar King could unfold!
All characters and descriptions are created by the channel's author solely for entertainment purposes.
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