Who are suitable for taking Pueraria Mirifica extract?
1. Grown men: those who like to drink and smoke often, and those who suffer from mild alcohol metabolism;
2. To prevent the onset of hepatitis in humans, to improve the detoxification function of the liver, and for those who need to repair liver-damaged cells.
3. Patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, migraine, and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
4. Prevention of dark spots, acne, and liver spots.
5. Menopausal women.
6. Middle-aged and elderly people.
To learn more about Pueraria Mirifica extract: https://www.porvoobio.com/pueraria-mi...
To get natural pueraria mirifica extract powder Puerarin/Kudzu Isoflavones plant extract: https://www.porvoobio.com/product/kud...
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