Best VS Code Extension for HTML CSS and JavaScript

Опубликовано: 29 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: OnlineITtuts Tutorials

Best VS Code Extension for HTML CSS and JavaScript

In this video tutorial we are going to see Best VS Code Extensions for HTML CSS and JavaScript. I've been using these extensions on my VS Code Editor, So I've decided to share with you each extension and how to configure it.

1- Live Server
If you are working client side project, then the Live Server Extension is very important to you. You can use that and display code output on the browser without refreshing a page.

2-Auto Rename Tag
When you will change the starting that auto than the closing tag is automatically closed with the help of Auto Rename Tag, So you should try it.

03- IntelliSense for CSS
That extension used to display the hint of CSS and also you can use Bootstrap than it will display the hint of classes inside the dropdown menu.

4- Prettier - Code formatter
Prettier Code Formatter which used to format the code on your editor. You can easily checkout the starting and closing project codes.

05- Color Highlights
When you will use the CSS to design the background, colors etc, So, it will help you to display the colors on vs code.

06- Path Intellisese
If you face problem to getting path of file, folder, so you need to use that extension, that used to display the current file path inside the vs code.

07- JavaScript (Es6) Code Snippet
JavaScript extension is very helpful for us to suggest the JS code with the help of Extension. I also using the extension on my VS Code Editor.

08- Quokka
It's JS based extension that used to display the objects details inside the VS code, If any property doesn't exists inside the object, then It will display error, you can try it.

09- Material Icon Theme
Want to change the VS Folders and files colors, you need to use that extension. Once you installed and used that, then your projects files, folders etc colors have changed.

10- Monokai Pro
It's paid theme, but you can use it free of cost that used to display the colorful codes inside the VS Code editor.

These extension I've been using inside my VS Code Editor, If you have any other extension you can leave the comment i will try to make another video and add it inside the video.

I hope this tutorial is helpful and beneficial for you.

If you are interested to become a front end developer, I will teach you everything step by step. I've been sharing the complete HTML, CSS and JavaScript based tutorial on my channel. Also I will be sharing those technology videos on my channel, want to improve you skills, keep touch my channel.

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