Junior Kangaroo 2023 Question 15
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This video includes questions from past UKMT maths challenge papers with the express permission of UK Mathematics Trust. The questions may not be copied or made available elsewhere without the permission of the UK Mathematics Trust except in accordance with their policy on the use of intellectual property which may be found here: bit.ly/UKMTIP
Free online maths challenge courses:
First (age7-9): https://bit.ly/firstmaths
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Junior (age 11-13): https://bit.ly/ukmtjuniormathschallenge
Junior Kangaroo and Olympiad (JMO)(age 11-13): https://bit.ly/jkangjmo
Intermediate (age 13-16): https://bit.ly/intermediatemathschall...
Intermediate Kangaroo and Olympiad (age 13-16): https://bit.ly/jkangjmo
Senior (age 15-18): https://bit.ly/seniormathschallenge
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