How I Taught in Spain Part I
⭐️ In 2011, I moved to Spain to study my master’s in Bilingual and Multicultural Education at the University of Alcalá (Instituto Franklin Teach and Learn) while working as a language assistant at a charter school in Madrid through UCETAM (a language assistant program).
💃🏻 I taught multiple groups of 1-6 grade classes of around 20-30 students each and taught ESL, Art, Science and Social Studies. A local teacher was present in the classroom, but I had a lot of freedom to choose what and how I taught.
⭐️ I lived in Madrid in front of Retiro park and commuted to school by bus/metro. Schools ran from 9-4:45 and we got free lunch. The master’s classes were on select Friday afternoons and Saturdays (the schedule for classes is much different now).
💃🏻 This is a one-year master’s program. After graduation, I was able to renew my visa and work at my same school and teach there for a second year, only this time I wasn’t studying (and received my whole stipend since half of it went to pay for the master’s my first year).
⭐️ Both years I received a student visa with working rights. This is the type of visa you get when teaching as a language assistant in Spain. I only got a work visa when I worked at my third school in Spain.
💃🏻 Want to learn more about this program?
💃🏻 Video • Do a Masters Degree in Spain - Insti...
💃🏻 Blog post
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