Queens College Associate Professor in Media Studies, Noah Tsika, discusses the history of Nigerian filmgoing and its impact around the world. His research points to Nigeria as a vital country for not just its own film industry, but film everywhere.
Percy vs Goliath - Biography, Drama Trailer - 2021 - Christopher Walken, Zach Braff, Christina Ricci
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"I'm an example, dreams do come true" | UTD Podcast | Norman Whiteside
Bugs Bunny's Angry Meltdown: Scene From "Tortoise Wins By a Hare" (1943)
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Multiplier Effect: TIME 2000 Prepares Mathematics Teachers for Schools
Stepping Up: Choreographer Edisa Weeks Pursues Social Justice in “Action Songs/Protest Dances”
Cultural Evolution: Jerima DeWese Helps Queens College Become Even More Inclusive
Creative Networking: Dennis Mackrel Conducts Hybrid, Interactive Music Classes
Shaking Up Science: By Studying Earthquakes, Cecilia McHugh Can Forecast their Recurrence Interval
Out of Africa: Movie Distribution & Attendance in Nigeria Impact the Film Industry Around the World
Commoner Sense: Lung Cancer Screenings Save Lives
Life Lines: Kimiko Hahn Promotes Environmental Awareness through Ecopoetry
Memes and Variations: Understanding the Context and Subtext of Widely Shared Images
The Queens Gambit: Immigration is Critical to the Borough’s Survival
Big Ideas Season 2 Teaser
Incubating Success: An Ecosystem for Early-Stage Entrepreneurs