Sublime text 3 is one of the most popular source code editor specially for Python programmers. In this video I showed you how to easily download and install sublime text editor 3.2.1 on Windows 10 and Windows 7 PC. Sublime text download link...
You can download Sublime text 3.2.1 which is the lates but still a beta version from the given link too. In this video I just showed how to install Sublime text 3 on Windows 7 and Windows 10. But you can follow same steps to install sublime text software on Windows 8, Windows Vista too. Make sure correct Sublime download is done according to your 64 bit or 32 bit Windows version. Sublime text installation is pretty straight forward task. You just need to follow the instruction of sublime text editor installer. In my next video I will show you how to configure sublime text and change settings of sublitex.
===========My Other Python Programming Videos===========
-- How to Install Python 2.x & Python 3.x in Windows 10/8/7
• How To Download & Install Python 2.7 ...
-- Switching Between Python Versions - Use Builtin PyLauncher To Switch Between Python 2 & Python 3 From Command Line. Run Python 2 & Python 3 Scripts.
• Switching Between Python Versions in ...
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in2Rafi is a diversified tech channel aimed to provide tech tips, tricks, guidelines and solutions to everyone. In in2Rafi channel I regularly publish videos on iOS powered devices, Android devices, Windows O/S, Linux, Programming, Web development, Computer Hardware, Digital Marketing, Accounting & ERP Software, Graphics design, Video editing, DSLR Camera & Google Tools, Microsoft Office suites etc. Subscribe the channel & Turn on notification to get all the new videos instantly.
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