End to End Demo with Spring Boot, Spring Cache with Redis, and MyBatis. Here we have done the POC using Employee Object and have written services on it using Spring Boot, Spring Cache, H2 InMemory Database with MyBatis Mapper. We have also covered Spring Cache Custom Key Usage and Redis Serialization.
00:00 Introduction
00:24 Redis ACL Changes in redis.conf
02:10 Bootstrap Project using https://start.spring.io/
03:53 Project Setup in Intellij
04:58 Additional Dependencies addition
05:15 Persistance Configuration Changes
09:00 Redis Configuration Changes
19:20 Employee Object, Service-Related Changes
20:27 MyBatis EmployeeMapper Changes
20:38 Spring Cache Implementation
23:18 Spring Cache Custom Key Generator
24:43 Spring Cache Implementation Completion
26:00 Schema and Data Creation
27:07 Spring Boot Rest Controller
31:14 Spring Cache Custom Key Generator
31:30 Demo
Package Version Used:
Spring Boot: 2.6.0
Redis: 6.2.6
Jedis: 3.7.0
Current Implementation is done using annotation and we are planning to do one video using XML-based implementation.
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/techeclipser/sprin...
#SpringBoot #SpringCache #Redis #Jedis #MyBatis #MyBatisMapper