Is a Revolution Coming to Pakistan? Untold Stories of Army, PTI And Civilian Conflicts @raftartv
In this engaging podcast episode, Shabbar Zaidi discusses the recent arrest of former DJ ISI Faiz Hameed, exploring its implications beyond the commercial case it was presented as. Zaidi raises concerns about the broader impact of such arrests on public confidence in institutions and the potential for political manipulation. He highlights historical parallels, debates the role of political versus commercial motives, and reflects on the challenges facing Pakistan's political and legal systems. The conversation touches on the risk of creating a parallel system, the potential for military intervention, and the shifting dynamics within Pakistani politics.
#pakistanpolitics #faizhameed #army #civilian #ptiofficial #faizhameedarrest #shabbarzaidi #podcast #podcasting #CommercialCases #politicalcorruption #legalsystem #militaryintervention
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