Free New Starter Assets | Unity |HINDI

Опубликовано: 08 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: unity creators

Lets learn something new,
unity release new Starter Assets Package, want to know why and how to use starter Assets then this tutorial is for you guys....
thank you for your time.....

TPS Starter assets link:
FPS Starter assets link:

in this video you will learn :

1.How to use new starter assets in unity?
2.How to setup third person controller in starter assets in unity?
3.How to Setup first person controller in starter assets in unity?
4.How to use FPS| TPS| using Starter Assets in unity?

Starter Assets is for both third Person and first person controller. its very easy to access it from unity assets store only you have to do
is go to your unity assets store and download it.
and when you download starter assets, this package download with two tools
1. new input system
2. cinemachine

this package works with these tools and without new input system this package will not work.

for full details of the Starter Assets you must watch this video......

why we should use this packages
.easy to use
.good for beginners
. you get it for both FPS & TPS

Quick links:
00:00 - Introduction
00:29 - create new project
00:59 - search and download starter assets
02:24 - upgrade project material in URP
02:48 - basic info about packages
02:53 - recheck package from tool option
03:22 - new input system
03:37 - cinemachine virtual camera
03:58 - info about first person controller
06:06 - info about third person controller
07:48 - info about create environment setup
08:00 - how to get tps option form starter assets
08:49 - mobile UI info
09:55 - how to get fps option form starter assets
10:47 - how to create and add models in starter assets
12:21 - final output

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Tags: #unity #games #starterAssets #3DGames