Hey, it’s spring cleaning time over at Google, so you should be aware of some key updates to its core algorithm. But for now, the big takeaways for most website owners.
It’s all geared towards understanding how helpful content is. So this screams quality, quality, quality, over quantity. It’s looking for content that genuinely fits users’ needs. Google will prioritize content that feels natural, informative, and written with users in mind, not just search engines. We will see low-quality, unoriginal, or content created solely for search engine ranking drop from search results fast. Content farms, out. Spamsters out. There’s hundreds of ways to say it, but essentially ebveyrthing boilds down to creating content for Humans, Not Search Engines. Including, drum roll… a pentalty for AI-Generated Content. You’ve been warned.
Check out these super fast and helpful SEO tips, and more like it on the SEO Site Checkup channel. 😊