Learn how to use the new multisite hosting feature from Firebase to deploy multiple web apps to a single project - Multisite Announcement
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Crain's Best Places To Work: Diana
National Anthem of the Japanese Empire "玉音放送「君が代」(高音質)"
Nightmare Skins Gamepass Showcase!!! | Fredbear and Friends 5 | Roblox
FreeBSD in 100 Seconds
The future of game development... has no game engine?
Paying for software is stupid… 10 free and open-source SaaS replacements
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Nix in 100 Seconds
Wake up babe, a dangerous new open-source AI model is here
Kim Dotcom is in mega big trouble
We're on the brink of another world browser war
TimescaleDB in 100 Seconds
Google takes its biggest L ever... now a convicted monopolist
this is just sad... CrowdStrike attacks a clown website
Google smokes Olympic mathletes, while OpenAI tries to kill Google
Scala in 100 Seconds
80% of programmers are NOT happy… why?
Am I going to jail for web scraping?
Zuck's new Llama is a beast
Real men test in production… The truth about the CrowdStrike disaster
Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines
How to self-host and hyperscale AI with Nvidia NIM
100+ Linux Things you Need to Know
15 crazy new JS framework features you don’t know yet
Another glorious battle for AI dominance… GPT-4o vs Google I/O
Best OS for programming? Mac vs Windows vs Linux debate settled
Linux got wrecked by backdoor attack