3 миллионов подписчиков
666 видео
This unicorn startup faked 95% of its users
FaunaDB Basics - The Database of your Dreams
COBOL in 100 seconds
Ruby on Rails in 100 Seconds
ChatGPT just leveled up big time...
Claude crushed GPT-4o… and 13 other tech stories you missed in June
Monorepos - How the Pros Scale Huge Software Projects // Turborepo vs Nx
10 Predictions about 2019 for Developers
GraphQL Basics - Build an app with the SpaceX API
5 ideas for your own AI grift with ChatGPT
RxFire - Firebase meets RxJS
Get Paid with Crypto in your App // Coinbase Commerce Tutorial
a fresh new web framework is out
Rabbit R1 makes catastrophic rookie programming mistake
4 Steps to Become a Developer #Shorts
Neo4j in 100 Seconds
7 Linux Things You Say WRONG #Shorts
100+ Linux Things you Need to Know
Ionic 4 - Routing and Navigation Guide
Ive become my own Arch Enemy #shorts
Binary Search Algorithm in 100 Seconds
Stripe Payments Basics - Including New 3D Secure Requirements for EU Customers
7 Web Features You Didn’t Know Existed
Intel chips can’t possibly be this bad… 100% crash rate?
Capacitor - Five Apps in Five Minutes
Top 7 RxJS Concepts for Angular Developers
Facebook-Inspired Reactions System with Angular and Firebase
Top 7 Ways to Debug Angular 4 Apps
SurrealDB in 100 Seconds
Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines
Dgraph Graph Database in 100 Seconds
How to self-host and hyperscale AI with Nvidia NIM
The Weird History of JavaScript
Build a Desktop App with Electron... But Should You?
Google Sign-In with Firestore Custom User Data
80% of programmers are NOT happy… why?
my code will never stop never stopping
Google smokes math Olympiads… and 15 crazy tech stories you missed in July
Am I going to jail for web scraping?
CES 2024… a glimpse into our AI-powered future
Big-O Notation in 100 Seconds
Angular 4 Development and Production Environments with Firebase
Real men test in production… The truth about the CrowdStrike disaster
Git It? How to use Git and Github
God-Tier Developer Roadmap
Fork you ElasticSearch! How Open Source Works
What is THIS in JavaScript? in 100 seconds
Is Web3 all Hype? Top 10 Web 3.0 Questions & Answers
Linux in 100 Seconds
Flutter Flare Basics - Lets Build Giphys Nav Menu
13 Advanced (but useful) Git Techniques and Shortcuts