3 миллионов подписчиков
666 видео
This unicorn startup faked 95% of its users
How to NOT Fail a Technical Interview
GitHub Pull Request in 100 Seconds - Git a FREE sticker 🔥
React for the Haters in 100 Seconds
7 Ways to Deploy a Node.js App
Wake up babe, a dangerous new open-source AI model is here
Zucks new Llama is a beast
Firestore Geoquery
PWA to Google Play Store with Trusted Web Activities (TWA)
Google has the best AI now, but theres a problem...
Serverless Computing in 100 Seconds
Short Imports with TypeScript Path Mapping
The JavaScript Survival Guide
D3.js in 100 Seconds
The Official JavaScript Tier List is Here
How to get rich as a solo software developer - The Ultimate Guide
Infinite Scroll with Angular and Firebase
Cloud Build - Create a CI/CD Pipeline
Flutter in 100 seconds
Remix is a NEW JavaScript framework you MUST try
TimescaleDB in 100 Seconds
10 Design Patterns Explained in 10 Minutes
Model Relational Data in Firestore NoSQL
How to Learn to Code - 8 Hard Truths
Push Notifications with Ionic4 and Firebase Cloud Messaging
Async Await try-catch hell
Recursion in 100 Seconds
Build 5 Apps in 5 Minutes with Flutter… But should you?
Reddit Inspired Upvoting System with Angular and Firebase NoSQL
Electron JS in 100 Seconds
There’s a fast new code editor in town
Kafka in 100 Seconds
7 Database Paradigms
Java is mounting a huge comeback
Deno in 100 Seconds
A Guide to Web Scraping with Node.js
Why so many distros? The Weird History of Linux
MySQL - The Basics // Learn SQL in 23 Easy Steps
Yo mama so FAT32...
Linux Directories Explained in 100 Seconds
Why youre addicted to cloud computing
Module Bundlers Explained... Webpack, Rollup, Parcel, and Snowpack
JavaScript Pro Tips - Code This, NOT That
Smart Push Notifications with Flutter & FCM
Sharing Data between Components in Angular
I built the same app 10 times // Which JS Framework is best?
Ansible in 100 Seconds
VS Code Top-Ten Pro Tips
How programmers flex on each other
Dart in 100 Seconds
CSS Variables in 100 Seconds