The main problem with this stage is honestly the opening, which consists of 8 Owlbrowls and a bunch of Relic Doges that eventually stop spawning. I like just slapping on speed up and just spamming units like Can Can to exhaust the main peons. Killing them all will make the actual stage much easier, as there will be less peons to chip away at your Metal Cat and mess up your run. Metal Cat is really nice here for stalling Luza as well as Pterowl, who can be super annoying with his long range and high damage attacks.
Once you hit the base, your goal is to get as much damage in as possible with every Naala spawn. I messed up my first Doron, but a good Doron will help keep your Naala alive by preventing Luza from chipping away. Ideally, you can get Luza killed in just two Naala spawns, but I took a little but more this time. This stage is pretty much just spam once you hit the base though. You can be a bit more mindful with Can Can and Courier timings/spawns once you start running out of money, as you don't get too much throughout the stage. Other than that, spam and once you kill Luza, you win the game.
Manic Eraser 44
Li'l Mohawk 34+8
Rock 40
Metal 20
Can Can 40 (Bounty, Move Speed 10)
Courier 44
Bullet 38
Doron 30
Naala 40
Thunderbolt 14